Click here to pay your dues online
If you prefer the historical way of paying by check, you can simply print this page, complete the form below, and mail it to us along with your check. Either way, we’ll get you on our lists for future correspondence and notifications. There’s no time commitment to being a member – it’s really just a financial donation to help keep us going. If you do have some time give also, and are interested in volunteering in some capacity, let us know. Questions? You can email us at:
Membership Form
Please select a membership level below:
__ $30 Individual Membership
__ $50 Family Membership
__ $100 Sustaining Membership
__ $500 Patron Membership
__ $1000 VIP Membership
__ $_____ Other Membership Amount
Name: _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
EMail: _____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Make your check payable to:
Long Grove Historical Society
c/o Membership Chair
4436 Hearthmoor Court
Long Grove, IL 60047
Thank you for your support!