How To Help Save The Bridge
Donate Your Time
Share this page on facebook. Read up on the issues. Attend a committee meeting. Take a selfie with the bridge and post it online #SaveTheBridge. Attend a Village Board meeting. Email the Village Board. Work a booth. Get on our mailing list. Sell Raffle Tickets. Spread the Word. Sign the petition. Write a limerick. Stamp postcards for mailings. There are plenty of ways of helping out – something for all skills, tastes, shapes, sizes and availability. Drop us an email at to get involved.
Donate Your Money
Make a credit card donation right now via our GoFundMe Page Buy a raffle ticket – see our raffle page for locations where they are available. For larger monetary donations, we prefer checks, as 100% of the money will go into The Bridge Fund (we lose a few percent on online donations to the internet gods). If you’ve got money to give – we can figure out the best way to make it happen – just let us know at
The Long Grove Historical Society has established a fund at BMO Harris Bank to hold donations which will be used to rebuild, restore, and maintain the Long Grove Covered Bridge. We are a registered 501C3 charity, and will provide you with the appropriate receipts and acknowledgements for tax preparation purposes.