State Nominates Bridge To National Register
The State voted unanimously to submit our bridge to the National Historic Register, officially becoming the most historic thing in all of Long Grove. Let your Village Trustees know you want to save this bridge!
Penny Carnival Returns on August 20th
Enjoy the Penny Carnival at Long Grove’s Vintage Days on Sunday, August 20th, 2017.
Sears Catalog Homes
In 1908, one of the bizarre things you could mail order was a house.
Deader Than A Door Nail
Two ideas on where this phrase comes from…
Thoughts On Bridge Restoration
Why preserve a historic bridge? Preservation is not a luxury that is considered once all other needs have been satisfied.
Why is the Bridge Historic?
Long Grove’s Covered Bridge is historic because it is a rare surviving example of a classic bridge design and it continues to perform the same function in the same place, just as it has for over 100 years. The design retains it’s integrity and the pedestrian walkway feature makes it stand out against the few peers that it has.
Farmhouse Gets A New Patio
Long Grove Historical Society Board member and Vaudevillian Mike Dvorak creates a performance space.
Long Grove Of Trees
Check out the time travel image below to get a sense for what’s left of the original “Long Grove of Trees” that the Village was named for.
History In A Flag
What makes my flag so special is that it did not come from reclaimed barn wood, but instead, from wood that was once part of our Long Grove covered bridge!
Bridge Painting Raffle
Fancy a gorgeous original water color of our historic covered bridge hanging in your living room? With a little luck and a small investment in some raffle tickets it can happen!
Meet the 2017 Board
Roster of Society Board Members for 2017
Annual Report for 2016/17
Report on Society Activities for the period April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017.